- Top 5 Rising Chief AI Officers in the AI Space, CIO Look.
- Top 10 Most Influential Black Executives to Follow in 2024, CIO Views.
- Top 100 Under 50 Executive & Emerging Leader, DiversityMBA.
- Kavli Fellow, US National Academy of Science, Engineering, and Medicine.
- Entrepreneur In Residence, UC San Diego Office of Innovation and Commercialization.
- Marshall Memorial Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States.
- DIET (Data & Diversity, Inclusion, Ethics & Equity, Technology) Champion, DataEthics4All.
- Cambia Grove Innovator Fellowship.
- Political Partner, Truman National Security Project.
- Top 100 under 50 Executive Leader, Diversity MBA.
- AAAS-Lemelson Invention Ambassador, 2018-2019.
- New Voices in Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, 2018-2020.
- Global Young Academy, 2019-2024.
- Zhi-Xing China Eisenhower Fellow, Eisenhower Fellowships Program.
- Gold Award - Best Educational App, Best Mobile App Awards. For Health Atlas.
- Featured Contributor, GovLoop.
- Innovation Of The Year, FedScoop 50. For Commerce Data Usability Project.
- Tech Program Of The Year, FedScoop 50. For Commerce Data Academy.
- Digital Strategy and Impact Award: Promoted and Transformed Services, GovDelivery. For CitySDK.
- Rising Star, Federal Computer Weekly (FCW).
- Discovery & Innovation In Government IT (digIT) Award Finalist - Open Data, Government Computer News (GCN). For Commerce Data Usability Project.
- Discovery & Innovation In Government IT (digIT) Award Finalist - Open Data, Government Computer News (GCN). For CitySDK.
- Digital Government Achievement Award: Government-to-Citizen State and Federal, Center for Digital Government (CDG). For Commerce Data Usability Project.
- High Impact Presidential Innovation Fellow, Institute For Education (IFE).
- Best Data API Award, API:World. For CitySDK.
- Gold Medal, Department of Commerce. For CitySDK.
- Outstanding Achievement Award - Citizen, AFCEA Bethesda.
- Innovation Award, Department of Labor Secretary's Honor Awards. For Sweat and Toil App.
- WeDC Ambassador, Washington DC Economic Partnership.
- Most Inspiring Up & Comer, FedScoop 50.
- Innovation Of The Year, FedScoop 50. For CitySDK.
- Fellow, Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS).
- Science Spectrum Trailblazer (Healthcare), BEYA STEM Board
- Science Spectrum Trailblazer, BEYA STEM Board.
- Alumni Leadership Award, BEYA STEM Board.
- Senior Member, Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS).
- IBM Master Inventor
- High Value Application (HVA) Patent Award for "Systems and Methods For Managing Security and/or Privacy Settings"
- Fellow, British Computer Society
- IEEE Technical Achievement Award for "pioneering contributions to Secure and Private Data Management"
- Minority in Science Trailblazer, BEYA (Black Engineer of The Year) Board.
- Elevation to ACM Distinguished Engineer.
- Pioneer Of The Year, National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE).
- Modern Day Technology Leader, Black Engineer of The Year (BEYA) Science Technology Engineering & Math (STEM) Board.
- Professional of the Year - Information Technology/Research, Strathmore Organization
- Marquis' Who's Who in Computer Science
- Elevation to ACM Senior Member.
- Elevation to IEEE Senior Member.
- Outstanding Innovation Achievement Award (OIAA) for Privacy Technology Impact on Science.
- IBM Bravo Award for "AlphaWorks Release of IBM May Aspects Document Summarization Tool".
- Outstanding Research Accomplishment for Fundamental Science Contribution to the Field of Science.
- Marquis' Who's Who in Computer Science
- IBM Bravo Award for "Research Contributions to Shipment Information Sharing Services".
- Research Division Award for "1st Plateau Asset Award for Active Enforcement Privacy Technology".
- Research Division Award for "1st Plateau Asset Award for Compliance Auditing Technology".
- IBM Bravo Award for "Theseos Query Engine for Traceability Networks".
- IBM Bravo Award for "Research Contributions to Websphere RFID Information Center v1.0 product".
- IBM Invention Award for "Extending Relational Database Systems to Automatically Enforce Privacy Policies".
- One of 83 researchers, chosen from all the scientists under 40 in the USA, to participate in the National Academy of Engineering Young Engineers Symposium.
- Marquis' Who's Who in Computer Science
- Cambridge's Who's Who in Computer Science Worldwide
- Strathmore's Who's Who in Computer Science.
- IBM Bravo Award for "Increasing the Visibility of HDB Technology".
- IBM Invention Achievement Award for "Security and Privacy Enforcement for Discovery Services in a Network of Electronic Product Code Information Repositories".
- 1 of only 2 Participants from IBM Research Worldwide in 12th Annual Mid-Level Managers Symposium, Executive Leadership Council, Washington DC, October, 2006.
- Outstanding Innovation Award (OIA) for "Privacy in Data Systems - Hippocratic Databases".
- IBM Bravo Award for "Hippocratic Database FOAK".
- IBM Bravo Award for "Skillful, Successful Negotiation of contract with AMC-Netherlands".
- Imperial College Computing Department Award.
- Outstanding Overseas Research Student (ORS) Award.
- ScotiaBank Caribbean Graduate Scholarship.
- Microsoft Scholarship (Imperial College).
- University of the West Indies Bursary Award.
- D.C. Tavares Memorial Shield for Outstanding Academic Achievement.
- Ruel Taylor Trophy for Academic Excellence.